Emotional regulation
What is the relationship between emotional regulation, dysregulation, and attachment? Studies show a strong link between our attachment styles and the ways in which we regulate our emotions in times of distress.

Attachment insecurity and self-compassion - conference presentation
Presenting the results of the study on attachment and self-compassion at the 2025 International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors Conference in New Orleans, LA, on January 11.

Attachment avoidance
Attachment avoidance is the other dimension of insecurity, the one that implies a tendency to withdraw from and/or dismiss intimacy and connection.
Consensual non-monogamy conference presentation
Presented my research study on improving practices for ethically/consensually non-monogamous clients in therapy.

Attachment anxiety
What does it mean to be “anxiously attached” and what is the impact of attachment anxiety on self worth, emotional regulation, and relationships.

Insecure attachment
Attachment insecurity is correlated with a whole list of negative mental health outcomes, not just relational ones. This post explains the fundamentals of attachment system activation, the primary and secondary attachment strategy. This will be the first post in a series about attachment insecurity, a key focus of my ongoing research project.

Consensual non-monogamy (CNM) is currently the focus of my clinical and academic work. In my approach to working with CNM relationships, I have adopted a different view on the typical emphasis on “rules and boundaries” as the primary relationship and therapeutic tool.

Neuroscience studies suggest that creating relational security is mostly a somatic experience. These exercises are designed to help you.

Therapy, p.2
Knowing the difference between CBT and existential therapy, for example, can help you predict the kind of experience you can expect to have in sessions.

Therapy, p.1
LMHCs, MHC-LPs, LCSWs, PsyDs.. where to begin? Let’s start with what is behind all of these credentials.

Research on romantic relationships shows that most of our problematic patterns tend to fall into three categories, or, in the words of one of the most prominent couples therapists Sue Johnson, “Demon Dialogues”.

Developing skills to overcome your fear of vulnerable conversations is one of the most powerful moves in taking your relationships to new heights.

Books, p.2
This one is about books on mental health, therapy, self-development, relationships, psychedelics…

Books, p.1
A list of books that made me think/choose/feel/live differently. To be updated regularly.

How do we “measure” personality traits, and are we burdened (or blessed) with them until we die? How do they correlate (if at all) with the very important things in life, such as relationship happiness, academic achievement, and workplace performance?
This week, I am looking into one of the most discussed and researched topics in psychology.

Inner Critic
The Inner Critic, the Greek Chorus, the Crazy Aunt in the Attic.. There are many names for the voice that seems to have an inordinate amount of power over how we live our lives.
In this post, I explore the best strategies for dealing with this voice (it’s not about repeating “I am worthy and lovable” in the mirror 50 times a day. Though you are welcome to try it.).

It’s convenient, accessible, and it delivers. Still, it would be wrong to say that nothing was lost in the transition from the therapist’s office to the phone screen.