OUR Couples therapy
OUR approach to couples therapy is grounded in attachment science, current research, and extensive training. And equally important, a warm and trusting therapeutic relationship.
OUR practice is specialized in attachment-based, experiential therapeutic modalities, primarily EFT (emotionally focused therapy), the gold standard of couples therapy for monogamous and consensually non-monogamous (CNM) relationships.
OUR therapy for couples begins with a comprehensive assessment (joint and individual), resulting in an in-depth view of your relationship, as well as you as individuals. We then continue by clarifying and mapping the issue(s), and setting the path forward. The heart of OUR therapy is in co-creating relational experiences in sessions that have the power to break the negative patterns and transform your bond.
OUR therapy is intense, challenging, and life-changing.
OUR areas of expertise:
Relational conflicts (communication issues, negative cycles of pursuit-withdrawal, blame, shame, guilt)
Relational distance (emotional and physical distancing and detachment, relational ambivalence)
Issues with sex and sexuality
Consensual non-monogamy issues (opening up monogamous relationships, changing agreements within existing CNM structures, failed or struggling CNM)
Breaches of trust (affairs, betrayals, relational injuries)
Impact of past trauma on current relationship (early life trauma, family of origin issues impacting attachment, sexual trauma, relational trauma)
Relational transitions (engagement, marriage, new parenthood, breakup, separation, divorce)
Parenting and co-parenting issues