Books, p.1
Jasmina Jasmina

Books, p.1

A list of books that made me think/choose/feel/live differently. To be updated regularly.

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Jasmina Jasmina


How do we “measure” personality traits, and are we burdened (or blessed) with them until we die? How do they correlate (if at all) with the very important things in life, such as relationship happiness, academic achievement, and workplace performance?

This week, I am looking into one of the most discussed and researched topics in psychology.

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Inner Critic
Jasmina Jasmina

Inner Critic

The Inner Critic, the Greek Chorus, the Crazy Aunt in the Attic.. There are many names for the voice that seems to have an inordinate amount of power over how we live our lives.

In this post, I explore the best strategies for dealing with this voice (it’s not about repeating “I am worthy and lovable” in the mirror 50 times a day. Though you are welcome to try it.).

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Jasmina Jasmina


A summary of the best tools I discovered in 2020 and integrated into my life. I plan on writing in more detail about each of these later, both from my own experiences, but also reporting about published research studies on the topic.

For now - enjoy exploring!

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